Christian Resource Network Inc.

Christian Resource Network Inc.

A Global Network Impacting the World for Christ

How to Rest before the Lord (Psalm 37:7)

How to rest before the Lord (Psalm 37:7)

Resting in the presence of God means bringing everything your burdens before the Lord and leaving them there. It involves being in a certain mindset knowing that God is in charge of your life and that nothing is too hard for him.

Resting also means surrendering your life to God and being at peace even in the midst of chaos. This summer, I took some time for myself and when I returned from vacation, I realized that something had changed. I no longer had the same mindset, because I surrendered my life to God and left everything in his hands. I realized for the first time that my life does matter, and that God gives all of us an opportunity to enjoy the life that he gave us.

May God bless you continually.

Joan M. Blake (author/Executive Director)

Christian Resource Network, Inc.

PO Box 190971

Boston, MA 02119


Tel: 617-282-6182

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