Christian Resource Network Inc.

Christian Resource Network Inc.

A Global Network Impacting the World for Christ

Enjoying Special Moments

As mothers, we think about buying so many toys and devices for our children or adults. While our children enjoy these gifts, what is more important is the moment that you and your child share together, such as reading a book together, playing a game together, or having a lunch date.

Toys and devices are good for what they are worth. All of us have passed that same road in our  gift giving, but a moment of time spent is so much better. Growing up in Trinidad, Christmas was a ceremonious occasion, with church attendance, and family gatherings taking place days after Christmas day. I did not receive Christmas gifts from my parents, but our Godfather, who lived on the same street as we did, brought toys for us. What was meaningful was his actual visit and appearance as Santa Claus. Those were exciting moments for us, children. Did you have special moments in your life growing up or did your children have special moments with you? Little things that we do for our children/adults are special moments for them.

During a conversation, my older daughter told me that she would never forget the day that I visited her school with new clothes, that I bought that day, for her to change into. My daughter was a busy girl and I wanted to make sure that she looked neat. Parents, staff, the entire class, and media came together with signed balloons to remember a classmate who remained missing, after she had taken a walk with her dog in the woods. That was a special moment!

I recently participated in a zoom meeting with extended family members to celebrate the life of our dear sister who passed away in 2019. No one talked about gifts that were exchanged, but they spoke about the good times they had playing card games with her,  how she listened to family members and kept their secrets, how she made people feel loved by the things she said to them, and the times they spent visiting with her at her home. One of my nieces spoke about the moments she spent overnight with my sister, lying under her covers, and the conversations they had. Those were special moments. Let us continue to experience special moments with our family members.

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